Solid Timber Bars

Wooden Bars & Bartops

If you love England and enjoy a warm beer on a cold night you will love their pubs. Chances are that you will also love the rich timbers that give their bars so much character.

We have been doing bars in Australia for decades in the English style and for those people who like a more modern look we have been doing those too. Our timber bars, complemented by timber stair treads and landings, are surprisingly durable given the treatment they are subjected to by thousands of patrons; some of them have lasted, untouched, for 15 years or more and still look great.

We do straight bars, curved bars, u shaped bars, bars round pillars, narrow laminations or wide, butt-joins and mitres. In fact, we can do anything in any timber and if necessary stained to any colour.

So call or email us for a quote or get your plans drawn up and come and see us.

Custom Timber Bars

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